
EIAR Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary

EIAR Volume 3 -

Figure 1.1 Redlineboundary Figure 1.2 Project & Redline Boundary Figure 1.3 112 Dwellings within a 2km Radius of the Proposed Turbines Figure 1.4 Turbine specification is specific V162 type turbine Figure 2.1 Overall Site Layout excluding full extent Figure 3.1 Indicative constraints Figure 3.2 Initial Layout Figure 3.3 First Iteration Turbine Layout Figure 3.4 Second Iteration Turbine Layout Figure 6.1 Area of search for records of rare, threateneded & Protected Species Figure 6.2 Target Note Survey Locations Figure 6.3 Biological Macroinvertebrate Sampling location Locations Figure 6.4 Location of Mammal Camera Traps Figure 6.5 Heath Cover Change 2000-2023 Figure 6.6a SACs in the wider area surrounding the project Figure 6.6b SPAs in the zone of influence of the project Figure 6.6c NHAs & pNHAs in the surrounding area Figure 6.7 Artical 17 Dry Heath Habitat Figure 6.8 Proposed Wind Farm Site Habitat Map Figure 6.9 Haul Route Widening locations Figure 6.10 Haul Route Widening Location 1 Figure 6.11 Haul Route Widening Location 2 Figure 6.12 Haul Route Widening Location 3 Figure 7 Ornithology Figures Figure 8.1 Bedrock Geology Figure 8.2 Soil susceptibility Figure 8.3 Previous recorded landslide events Figure 8.4 Landslide susceptibility classification Figure 8.5 The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) Heritage Sites (Audited) Figure 8.6 The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) Mapped Mineral Locations Figure 8.7 Primary Design Elements at the Main Site Figure 9.3 Surface Water Bodies Surrounding the proposed Site Figure 9.4 Water Quaility Monitoring Locations Figure 9.5 Protected areas relative to the site and Grid Connection Route Figure 9.6 3D Hydrological Model of the Proposed Dyrick Hill Windfarm Site Figure 9.7 Watercourse crossing requiring HDD and the HDD Location Cattle Grid Underpass Figure 9.8 Watercourse Positions Relative to the 50m Buffer Zone and Design Layout Figure 9.9 Water Framework Directive (WFD) Catchment Areas Relative to the site Grid Connection Route Figure 9.10 Water Framework Directive (WFD) subcatchment Areas Figure 9.11 Past Flood Event Locations Relative to the proposed site and Grid Connection Route Figure 9.12- National Indicative Fluvial Mapping- Low Probability- High End Future Scenario Figure 9.13 Present Day Medium Probability Fluvial Flood Extent with an Annual Exceedance Probability of 1% Figure 9.14 GSI Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping for The Site and Grid Connection Route Figure 9.15 GSI Groundwater Body Mapping of The Site and Grid Connection Route Figure 9.16 Wells, Springs, Boreholes, WSZ, WTPs, Source Protection Areas and Holy Wells Relative to the Site and Grid Connection Route Figure 11.9 185m Layout WF ZTV TIP Height A1 Figure 11.10 Cumulative WF ZTV A Figure 11.11 Cumulative WF ZTV A1 Potential Baseline Figure 13.1 Recorded archaeological sites within 1km of Site Figure 13.2 Location of Standing Stone WA013-021 Figure 13.3 Location of Recorded Archaeological Sites within environs of T6 Figure 13.4 Location of Archaeological Sites with potential visual alignments Figure 13.5 Site layout overlain on 1840 6-inch OS map Figure 13.6 Site layout overlain on 1906 25-inch OS map Figure 13.7 Location of cairn to southwest of T13 Figure 13.8 Location of farm buildings Figure 13.9 Location of cultural heritage sites within environs of grid connection route Figure 13.10 TDR POI 08 Figure 13.11 TDR POI 09 Figure 13.12 TDR POI 10 Figure 13.13 TDR POI 23

Natura Impact Statement